Want more info? Here's the page for Billionaire Ever After. SPECIAL NOTICE: if you want Billionaire Ever After for Nook or iBook, make sure you get yours on preorder. I've heard rumors the set is going KU after the first week.
And In this small town, nothing is as it seems…
One of the comments I get when I tell people I'm an author is, "It must be great making your own schedule."
Having been self-employed in one form or another for decades, I just smile and nod. LOL.
I had a vacation last week. I tried not to work, because I desperately needed the break. But we stayed close to home and I monitored emails and when they turned out to be time-sensitive, I went into the office and got them done.
The fact of the matter is, when you're self-employed, the only decision you get to make is the product you offer (and even that is subject to your customers'/clients' needs).
Even indie authors are buffeted by the winds of the availability of their cover designer, editor, etc. Box set authors must coordinate their efforts, and that means joint scheduling. The complex weave of daily life affects all of us, time-wise.
Reflecting on it, I do get to make my own schedule. If I want to work my hours from midnight to ten am, I can do that. But as far as number of hours go, well, if I want to eat, I work.