This is another in my 25 Ways You're Losing Readers (and what you can do about it) series.
One size does not fit all. And it's getting more so.
The market it huge and getting bigger. It's also tiny and getting smaller. In the music business, this is called fragmenting.
The days of the monolithic cultural icon are disappearing. We had three channels, so it was easy to talk about popular things around the watercooler. Almost everyone had watched Dragnet the night before.
Now, even if you watch prime time television, more likely your neighbor is streaming Netflix. Or an alternative show on YouTube.
We can find exactly what we want, now. And a lot of it. I love quirky scifi with a magical twist. In the old days there was...nobody. Now there's Butcher and Stross and Hearn and the guy who wrote Red Shirts and...
See? How many of you read any of those authors? There are still monoliths like JK Rowling and JD Robb that we've most read or at least heard of.
The good news is, you can write your particular brand of story and there's gonna be at least one other person out there who's hankering to read it.
Published since 2009, over the years I've accumulated various items of writing
wisdom. The Third Tuesday Writing Tidbit showcases these items in no particular
order. Click here to see all 3T Tidbits. Click here to see all 25 Ways You're Losing Readers.
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