Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Cathryn Cade Coming Soon...

My apologies to readers looking forward to Cathryn Cade's visit today. Due to a terrible email mishap involving overexcited electrons, sunspots and probably a stray deer, I wasn't able to get her post up. But she will be visiting soon!

In the meantime, here's Vivi Andrews's snippet on Facebook for Teaser Tuesday. https://www.facebook.com/viviandrews/posts/550156321702688 Best first line in a teaser EVER: “You wanna tell me what you’re doing in a bank vault at three in the morning?”

And an xkcd comic (http://xkcd.com/319/).


  1. LOL on your explanation. I'll blame overexcited electrons and sunspots in the future. I won't blame deer, though, as I'm already blaming my dog and cat.

    1. Electrons, cats, sunspots and dogs, the random events of the universe... :)

  2. Or we could blame Cathryn's move, book launch and blonde hair color seeping into her brain ... a deadly combo, folks. Don't try this at home.

    Apologies to Mary for a ' ' (blank spot) on her blog calendar.

    so glad to be here at last.

    Cathryn Cade

    1. :) Definitely worth the wait! Love your post http://maryhughesbooks.blogspot.com/2013/05/strong-women-and-men-it-takes-to-handle.html
