Tuesday, November 19, 2024

3T Writing Tidbit

 Vampires -- why are they so appealing for romances? They're violent, creepy, and they drink blood, for goodness sake. Depending on the mythos behind them, they're incapacitated by the sun, doomed to remain their age (young or old) forever, or cursed.

I did a lot of research before starting my vampire series. I think I've explained elsewhere the different philosophies of vampire creation (including biological or physical trigger, and just plain cursed). 

But why, with all the things we have against them, do we still write about them? Why do we even make them the heroes of our stories?

  • They put the super in supernatural. Most stories, if vampires are pitted against other supernatural beings, will put the vampires on top. Often by a mile. They're faster, stronger, and wickedly clever.
  • They're timeless. Because they're essentially humans-plus, we can write them in any era we write people.
  • People-plus, but they're also a taste of the unknown. Whatever mythos creates the vampire, they're beings of the shadows, inhabiting, even thriving, in the places we fear most.
  • They're sexy. Dangerous, alluring -- the stuff of our nightmares, but also our dreams. They represent the unknown, and in being unknown, offer us untold possibilities.

Published since 2009, over the years I've accumulated various items of writing wisdom. The Third Tuesday Writing Tidbit showcases these items in no particular order. Click here to see all 3T Tidbits.   

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

2T Repeat Performance -

I've done a number of blog tours over the years, posting on different sites. Now I'm bringing them to you!

Originally supposed to be published May 28 2014 for Magical Musings

A 2017 2T Repeat Performance highlighted one of the Magical Musings posts I'd done. It says, "I know I started this blog last week and had all sorts of great, Amazing, IRREPLACEABLE ideas, but naturally now I can’t find the file."

Guess what? I found the file.

Here's the original idea in its original form and unedited. From the cobwebby depths of an author's brain. Enjoy! 

A few of my favorite things - Magical musings #9

Tech/science news. I have a secret crush on all things science. If it happens to have a face like Neil deGrasse Tyson, Brian Greene, the late Steve Irwin or Carl Sagan, all the better.

I have wallpaper from the NASA (http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/spaceimages) site. I grew up with—and looked forward to—National Geographic specials (the theme runs through my head just typing it) and Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom. Even with all of Hulu and NetFlix to choose from, I still sometimes watch TED talks for fun. For our anniversary last year we went to the Oriental Institute. There’s something deeply thrilling about seeing things made thousands of years ago. Wondering if anything we do will last that long.


Well, that's the start of a blog, all right. Apparently some things last on my computer at least 10 years, lol.